Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Thoughts

Now... lately there have been things going on with members of my extended family that have got me to thinking about my own family's past and things that happened when I was a child and the feelings that certain individuals in my family still seem to have towards me and my mom.

I can't voice my mother's opinion on this subject but I can voice mine and so far all I can come up with is - Some people need to grow the *insert any word of choice here* up!!!!

We are adults, childish behavior needs to be left behind with the childhood years and if you still feel the need to act like an adolescent then feel free to put on a diaper and grab a bottle. Childish behavior helps no-one and gains you absolutely no sympathizers. It does howsoever gain you the title of "Self-Centered B****", be you male or female. It gains you the ability to look like someone who hasn't learned that the world doesn't revolve around them and is able to isolate you into a place that no-one wants to be.

I'm tired of the "Poor, Poor Pity Me" trip and people who tell lies to gain whatever gram of sympathy they can from people who truly just want to love you for you and be there as family, together.

I guess that's all I have to say on this now other then, No-one is a pawn to be used by another. We are all individuals who create our own happiness and are entitled to that happiness as well as keeping that freewill that allows us to keep those who wish to bring us down out of our lives. The flip-side of that is that when those who have wronged us may or may not be able to enter our lives without that door being there for them to use.
 So when/if we tell those who continually bring us headaches to take a hike because we don't need nor desire the stress they induce upon our lives we should allow them the door to enter our lives again. We can accept the apology or just accept that they have changed until evidence contrary to this presents it's self and hopefully those who are family will realize we love them and want them as a member of our lives but we hold the right to be individuals without requiring their permission to be who we are. We also hold the right to kick them out again should they begin the same BS again and unlike a child... an Adult doesn't require more then one chance and is old enough to know that a true apology means they WONT repeat the behavior again and will do all that is necessary to prevent a repeat performance. 

These are my thoughts and now that it is off my chest I feel slightly better. I hope this little rant of mine can help another but if not, It does help me.

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