Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The New Dog

So the story behind Lady is this -

Gordon was too tired to drive all the way home and had pulled off at the area on Apex that the semi's park for their naps. During the night he heard a thumping on the door and when he looked out the window a doggy face jumped up into view. (LOL he said it was worse then when he was woken up by the cops that one time). He gave her something to drink and shooed her away.

When he woke up in the morning she was still there and he gave her another huge glass of water. When he looked her over she appeared to be a good dog but very skinny so he took her to the vet because she was groomed and well taken care of so he figured she was some one's pet.

Well the vet was able to locate her first owner because she had a chip in her but the original owner had given her to a another person and that person had sold her to another person on Craig's list. The last owner wasn't able to be gotten a hold of so after two days Gordon when back to the vet's and paid the fee's and brought her home.

She was staying with Grandma (and that's how she got the name of Lady) but she dug up a sprinkler head and chewed on some of her BBQ stuff and somehow ripped off some of the stuff on the wall under her sliding glass door so we have her again.

But we're happy with her back even if it is one more dog we don't need since we already have 4. Levi can't stop trying to get her to play fetch and chase him and Kye is just happy to lay there and push with his feet or grab handfuls of hair.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kye Has A New Tooth

Well I wanted to make sure that Kye's new tooth was in before i wrote a post. It came in on the 20th and I've been trying to get a pic were you can see it but his tongue likes to get in the way.

His tooth is on the bottom and he has anouther one comeing next to it and one on top it looks like.

Since I couldn't get a pic of his tooth i'm just going to put up these two pic.s of him and Levi playing. Yes Kye is on all fours and somewhat crawling :-)

Aren't they just CUTE ?!?!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Look-Alike Meter

Well what do you know... this says Levi looks more like me... HHHMMMMMM

Well this one isn't a surprise... Everyone always says he looks more like me. :-)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kye Loves His Applesauce

As you can see he grabs the spoon to keep it in his mouth. He throws a fit every time i have t take it away to put more on it. even having a bitter bisket n a little toy spoon thing for him isn't enough to keep his hands busy so we can feed him. Gonna try n give him carrots or sweat potato next week... see if he'll eat them since he flat out vetoed the cereal.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kye's First Tooth ....... I hope

Well it seems that my baby boy might be getting his first tooth. All the drooling and crying seems to finally have a meaning behind it.
Kye has a small bump on his lower gum now and he's very happy to chew on anything that he can put in his mouth. lol We'll see how soon it breaks through cuz he is cranky and drooly and i really would love a real nap time again ... not to mention a full nights sleep like we were finally doing again.