So the story behind Lady is this -
Gordon was too tired to drive all the way home and had pulled off at the area on Apex that the semi's park for their naps. During the night he heard a thumping on the door and when he looked out the window a doggy face jumped up into view. (LOL he said it was worse then when he was woken up by the cops that one time). He gave her something to drink and shooed her away.
When he woke up in the morning she was still there and he gave her another huge glass of water. When he looked her over she appeared to be a good dog but very skinny so he took her to the vet because she was groomed and well taken care of so he figured she was some one's pet.
Well the vet was able to locate her first owner because she had a chip in her but the original owner had given her to a another person and that person had sold her to another person on Craig's list. The last owner wasn't able to be gotten a hold of so after two days Gordon when back to the vet's and paid the fee's and brought her home.
She was staying with Grandma (and that's how she got the name of Lady) but she dug up a sprinkler head and chewed on some of her BBQ stuff and somehow ripped off some of the stuff on the wall under her sliding glass door so we have her again.